Excitonics and Polaritonics International Conference
27th November – 1st December 2023

Following the first EPIC held in Singapore in 2018, EPIC 2023 aims to bring the international community of researchers working on the optics of excitons and exciton-polaritons together in Asia, a region where there are few other conferences to discuss recent progress in the field.

The single-session conference will address emergent materials with high optical gain, such as quantum wells, 2D semiconductors, organic and hybrid materials, which allow excitons and polaritons to be realised with enhanced properties.
Fundamental advances in areas such as topological geometry, spin physics, many-body physics, and advances toward the quantum nonlinear regime will be discussed, together with advances in polariton lasing, photonic neural networks, spin simulators, and other optoelectronic devices.